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The Cloud has transformed the way we work over the last few years.  Gone are the days when all our data (usually files and emails) had to be stored on a server in the office.  Now we have the additional choice of keeping data in the cloud - which basically comprises of servers with lots of storage capacity kept in secure, air-conditioned data-centres.  This typically involves a subscription payment method with no upfront costs - which keep the costs predictable.


But as with all things, you get what you pay for.  A cheap monthly fee for lots of storage space isn't necessarily the answer to your data worries.  Is it being backed up?  Is it secure?  We can help you find the best fit for your business.


So is it time for your business to take advantage of the cloud?  Whether it's Microsoft 365 or Google, Dropbox or SharePoint, talk it through with us.

Still putting up with a very basic email system?

Are you in a small business that's making do with an amateur email system?  Emails sent from your phone not appearing in the sent items on your laptop?  Is it a real hassle to set out of office messages?  Unable to share a mailbox?  No chance of viewing a colleagues calendar?

Well the solution is out there and it's not expensive!

You've probably heard of Microsoft 365 but may have dismissed it for being too complicated or difficult to setup.  Perhaps you think there will be a huge upheaval and the prospect of that makes you want to run for the hills.

I'm here to tell you that it doesn't have to cause you any kind of headache.  We have a simple way of approaching this:

1. Have a chat with you to find out about your business and whether Microsoft 365 is right for you
2.  Work out what kind of Microsoft 365 licences you'd need and how much all this is going to cost you.  And then, if you decide to go ahead...
3.  Schedule in the move to the new system so it's convenient for you and your team
4.  Do the background work to get Microsoft 365 configured for your business
5.  Setup the new accounts on your computers, phones and tablets

There won't be an outage and all your old emails will be copied to the new system.

It doesn't matter if you have one email account in your business or 100, we can help.

Sound good?  Get in touch to get the ball rolling!

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